pygitops - 0.11.1
provides a convenience layer for developers wishing to automate git workflows with python.
Best of all, it works extremely well with GitPython as well as PyGithub!
' feature set improves the experience of:
- cloning git repositories
- keeping local repositories up to date with their remotes
- making code changes on a repository feature branch
- staging, commiting, and pushing changes to remote
Cloning Repo
Most automated git workflows involve interacting with a local clone of a repo. You might want to begin by having a copy of that repository on your local disk. pygitops
will clone the repository for you, updating it when already present.
from pygitops.remote_git_utils import build_github_repo_url
from pygitops.operations import get_updated_repo
service_account_name = 'some-service-account-name'
service_account_token = 'some-service-account-token'
repo_owner = 'wayfair-incubator'
repo_name = 'pygitops'
repo_url = build_github_repo_url(service_account_name, service_account_token, repo_owner, repo_name)
repo = get_updated_repo(repo_url, f'/repos/{repo_name}')
Using GitPython
The repo
returned by get_updated_repo
is an instance of git.Repo
, from the GitPython package. If you are already familiar with the package and need to leverage its functionality, pygitops
won't get in your way!
>>> from git import Repo
>>> repo = Repo('some-repo')
>>> repo.working_dir
Commiting Change
A common git automation use case is to commit some changes; pushing them to a remote feature branch. Here, we create a new file chores.txt
and commit / push that change to the new-chores
feature branch. You may then want to use PyGithub to create a pull request from these changes.
from pathlib import Path
from pygitops.operations import feature_branch, stage_commit_push_changes
from git import Actor
repo_name = 'some-repo'
branch_name = 'new-chores'
some_actor = Actor('some-service-account', '')
commit_message = 'Add list of chores'
with feature_branch(repo, branch_name):
Path('some-clone-dir' / repo_name / 'chores.txt').write_text('haircut\ngroceries\ndishes')
stage_commit_push_changes(repo, branch_name, some_actor, commit_message)
Where to Start?
Detailed Documentation
API Reference