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Publish a Release

Update Package Version

  1. Create a version bump feature branch

    git checkout -b bump_version_v1.2.3
  2. Update the package version in /extra_model/

    __version__ = "1.2.3"
  3. Update in the project root

  4. Update any documentation that mentions the package version

  5. Commit and push the changes

    git add .
    git commit -m 'bumping version'
    git push -u origin bump_version_v1.2.3
  6. Upon approval of the PR, merge changes to the main branch with the UI

  7. Pull down the changes merged to the main branch

    git checkout main; git pull

Publish Release with Github Action

  1. Tag changes with the new version

    git tag v1.2.3
    git push origin v1.2.3
  2. Visit the extra-model repository

  3. Under Releases in the right column, visit Create a new release

  4. Enter the tag version you previously created in the Tag version input, and make sure the main branch is selected. Title and description are optional.

  5. Press Publish Release at the bottom.

  6. Visit Actions in the top navigation of the UI

  7. Visit on the most recent workflow run. This run represents the Github Action that is building, testing, and publshing the package release to PyPI.

  8. The publish action requires approval before publishing to PyPI. Click Review Deployments on the right side of the yellow notification bar.

  9. Select the Publish Release checkbox and click Approve and Deploy to unblock the deployment.

  10. The package will now be built, tested, and depoyed to PyPI! The new package version will be live once the pipeline completes.