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Development Guide

Welcome - Thank you for wanting to make this project better! This section provides an overview on how the repository is structured and how to work with the codebase.

Before you dive into this guide, please read the following first:


The pygitops project uses Docker to ease setting up a consistent development environment. The Docker documentation has details on how to install Docker and install Docker Compose on your computer.

Once you have installed Docker and Docker Compose, you can execute the test suite by running the following command from your terminal:

docker-compose run --rm test

If you want to be able to execute code in the container:

docker-compose run --rm devbox
(your code here)

In the devbox environment you'll be able to enter a Python shell and import pygitops or any dependencies. The devbox environment also comes with git-core - a system dependency needed to run gitpython, our package's main dependency.


The Docker container has pdb++ installed that can be used as a debugger. (However, you are welcome to set up a different debugger if you would like.)

This allows you to easily create a breakpoint anywhere in the code.

def my_function():

When you run your code, you will drop into an interactive pdb++ debugger.

See the documentation on pdb and pdb++ for more information.


You'll be unable to merge code unless the linting and tests pass. You can run these in your container via:

docker-compose run --rm test

This will run the same tests, linting, and code coverage that are run by the CI pipeline. The only difference is that when run locally, black and isort are configured to automatically correct issues they detect.

Generally we should endeavor to write tests for every feature. Every new feature branch should increase the test coverage rather than decrease it.

We use pytest as our testing framework.


To customize / override a specific testing stage, please read the documentation specific to that tool:

  1. PyTest
  2. MyPy
  3. Black
  4. Isort
  5. Flake8
  6. Bandit

Setuptools is used to package the library. must not import anything from the package When installing from source, the user may not have the packages' dependencies installed, and importing the package is likely to raise an ImportError. For this reason, the package version should be obtained without importing. This explains why uses a regular expression to grab the version from without actually importing any dependencies.


  • requirements.txt - Lists all direct dependencies (packages imported by the library).
  • Requirements-test.txt - Lists all direct requirements needed to run the test suite & lints.

Publishing the Package

TODO: Document package publish process

Continuous Integration Pipeline

TODO: Add CI documentation.